2. SAT® and AP®
  3. SAT®

Scholastic Aptitude TestSAT®


2016년 이전 SAT(before 2016)보다 ACT시험과 조금 더 유사하게 만들어 졌으며, 기존의 SAT처럼 틀린 문제를 선택했을때 0.25점의 감점(penalty)제가 사라졌다. 학생들은 모르는 문제에 대해선 unmarked 답을 정하지 않는 대신 자유롭게 (오답이든 정답이든 상관없이) marking할 수 있게 있다. 또한, 5지 선다형에서 4지 선다형으로 변경되어 학생들이 답을 선택하기가 조금 더 수월해 진다. 단어면에서도 일부는 아는 단어들이 많이 나오지만, 단어의 다양한 의미(subtle meaning)까지 요구한다.

또한 학생들이 답을 찾을때까지 여러번의 생각을 요구하게 되어있으며, 독해지문들은 좀더 어러운 문장구조(higher 문법력 요구)와 단어들로 구성되어 있다. 기존의 SAT시험에서는 수학의 난이도가 그리 높지 않아서 학생들이 공부할때 수학분야는 따로 하지 않았는데, 새롭게 설계된 SAT시험에서는 수학의 중요성이 높아지게 되므로, 수학에 시간을 좀더 할애해야 한다. 또한 섹션수가 기존 4영역에서 2영역으로 줄였으며 시간도 3시간45분에서 3시간으로 감소하였지만, 선택영역이 되어진 에세이 영역까지 포함하면 3시간 50분으로 늘어난다.

This high-level comparison between the current SAT and the redesigned SAT highlights major design features of the two tests. The first table provides a comparison of the major features of the current SAT and redesigned SAT. The second table provides a comparison by test, including the number of items and testing time. It is important to note that while the information in these tables represents our best understanding of the nature and features of the redesigned SAT, some specific elements, such as timing, length, and reported scores, are subject to revision based on the ongoing research process that guides the redesign.

sources : Collegeboard 칼리지보드 / 프린스턴리뷰 출판사 Understanding SAT Scores Facts about SAT Scores SAT Study Guide

Major Features

Total testing time: 3 hours (plus 50 minutes for the Essay, which is optional) vs 3 hours and 45 minutes (Current SAT)

영역별 시간및 문제수
독해영역(Reading): 52문항 65분, 문법및 언어영역(Writing and Language): 44문항 35분; and Math (58문항 25+55=80분)
선택영역 에세이(Essay): 1주제(50분); 총 154문항 180분 (230분 에세이포함)

Components: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (Reading Test; Writing and Language Test), Math and Essay (optional) vs. Critical Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Essay (Current SAT)

Importran features: Continued emphasis on reasoning alongside a clearer, stronger focus on the knowledge, skills and understandings most important for college and career radiness and success. Greater emphasis on the meaning of words in extended contexts and on how word choice shapes meaning, tone, and impact. Right-only scoring ( apoint for a correct answer but no deduction for an incorrect answer, blank responses have no impact on scores)

Essay: Optional and given at the end of the SAT; postsecondary institutions determine whether they will require the Essay for admission. 50 minutes to write the essay. Tests reading, analysis and riting skills; students produce a written analysis of a provided source text.

Score reporting: Scale ranging from 400 to 1600. Scale ranging from 3200 to 800 for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing; 200 to 800 for Math; 2 to 8 on each of three traits for Essay. Essay results reported separately.

Subscore reporting: Subscore for every test, providing added insight for students, parents, admission officers, educators, and counselors.

영역별 세부 내용 Content Specifications

SAT Reading Test

Multiple choice (4 options) 100%, Passage Based 100%

Contribution of Items to subscores and Scores (percentages do not add up to 100%)
Words in Context (10 questions - 2 questions per passage/pair) 19%
Command of Evidence (10 questions - 2 questions per passage/pair) 19%
Analysis in History/Social Studies (21 questions - all history/social studies questions) 40%
Analysis in Science (21 questions - all science questions) 40%

Passage contents
U.S. and World Literature (1 passage; 10 questions) 20%
History/Social Studies (2 passages, or 1 passage and 1 pair; 10-11 questions each) 40%
Science (2 passages, or 1 passage and 1 pair; 10-11 questions each) 40%

1-2 graphics in 1 History/Social Studies and 1 Scinece passages


SAT Writing and Language Test

Multiple choice(4 options) 100%, Passage Based 100%

Contribution of Items to subscores and Scores (percentages do not add up to 100%)
Expression of Ideas (24 questions) 55%
Standard English Conventions (20 questions) 45%
Words in Context (8 questions - 2 questions per passage) 18%
Command of Evidence (8 questions - 2 questions per passage) 18%
Analysis in History/Social Studies (6 questions - all Expression of Ideads questions in history/social studies) 14%
Analysis in Science (6 questions - all Expression of Ideads questions in science) 14%

Passage contents
U.S. and World Literature (1 passage; 10 questions) 20%
History/Social Studies (2 passages, or 1 passage and 1 pair; 10-11 questions each) 40%
Science (2 passages, or 1 passage and 1 pair; 10-11 questions each) 40%

1-2 graphics in 1 History/Social Studies and 1 Scinece passages

SAT Essay

Prompts 1 100%, Passage Based (each passage 650-75- words) 100%

Passage Content
Arguments Written for a Broad Audience 1 100%

Text Complexity
High School Reading Level(grades 9-12) 1 100%

Analytic Scoring(provisional)
Reading 1-4 scale; Analysis 1-4 scale; Writing 1-4 scale


SAT Mathematics

Multiple choice(4 options) 45 questions - 78%, Student-Produced Response (grid-in) 13 questions - 22%

Contribution of Items to Subscores
Heart of Algebra (19 questions) 33%
Problem Solving and Data Analysis (17 questions) 28%
Passport to Advanced Math (16 questions) 28%
Additional Topics in Math (6 questions) 10%
Contribution of Items to Cross-Test Scores
- Analysis in Science (8 questions) 14%
- Analysis in History/Social Studies (8 questions) 14%


SAT Reading Test Multiple choice (4 options) 100%, Passage Based 100%

Contribution of Items to subscores and Scores (percentages do not add up to 100%)
Words in Context (10 questions - 2 questions per passage/pair) 19%
Command of Evidence (10 questions - 2 questions per passage/pair) 19%
Analysis in History/Social Studies (21 questions - all history/social studies questions) 40%
Analysis in Science (21 questions - all science questions) 40%

Passage contents
U.S. and World Literature (1 passage; 10 questions) 20%
History/Social Studies (2 passages, or 1 passage and 1 pair; 10-11 questions each) 40%
Science (2 passages, or 1 passage and 1 pair; 10-11 questions each) 40%

1-2 graphics in 1 History/Social Studies and 1 Scinece passages
SAT Writing and Language Test Multiple choice(4 options) 100%, Passage Based 100%

Contribution of Items to subscores and Scores (percentages do not add up to 100%)
Expression of Ideas (24 questions) 55%
Standard English Conventions (20 questions) 45%
Words in Context (8 questions - 2 questions per passage) 18%
Command of Evidence (8 questions - 2 questions per passage) 18%
Analysis in History/Social Studies (6 questions - all Expression of Ideads questions in history/social studies) 14%
Analysis in Science (6 questions - all Expression of Ideads questions in science) 14%

Passage contents
U.S. and World Literature (1 passage; 10 questions) 20%
History/Social Studies (2 passages, or 1 passage and 1 pair; 10-11 questions each) 40%
Science (2 passages, or 1 passage and 1 pair; 10-11 questions each) 40%

1-2 graphics in 1 History/Social Studies and 1 Scinece passages
SAT Essay Prompts 1 100%, Passage Based (each passage 650-75- words) 100%

Passage Content
Arguments Written for a Broad Audience 1 100%

Text Complexity
High School Reading Level(grades 9-12) 1 100%

Analytic Scoring(provisional)
Reading 1-4 scale; Analysis 1-4 scale; Writing 1-4 scale
SAT Mathematics Multiple choice(4 options) 45 questions - 78%, Student-Produced Response (grid-in) 13 questions - 22%

Contribution of Items to Subscores
Heart of Algebra (19 questions) 33%
Problem Solving and Data Analysis (17 questions) 28%
Passport to Advanced Math (16 questions) 28%
Additional Topics in Math (6 questions) 10%
Contribution of Items to Cross-Test Scores
- Analysis in Science (8 questions) 14%
- Analysis in History/Social Studies (8 questions) 14%


2022년 : 3월12일, 5월7일, 6월4일, 8월27일, 10월8일, 11월5일, 12월3일
2023년 : 3월11일, 5월6일, 6월3일, 8월26일, 10월7일, 11월4일, 12월2일
2024년 : 3월10일, 5월5일, 6월2일, 8월25일, 10월6일, 11월3일, 12월1일
Test Dates


2020년-2021년 : Find Test Centers


SAT : $55.00
추가등록비용(미국이외의 해외에서 시험을 볼 경우) : $55.00 (+Non-US Regional Fee)
$53 East Asia/Pacific, $43 Africa(Sub-Saharan), $43 Americas, $47 Europe & Eurasia, $47 Middle East & North Africa, South and Central Asia $49 Fees

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