3. AP® Environmental Science

SCIENCES Courses for School GPA STARPREP® SCIENCES PROGRAMSAP® Environmental Science

The AP® Environmental Science course outlined in this framework reflects learning that analyzes environmental concepts and processes to achieve understanding in order to propose and justify solutions to environmental problems. The course teaches students how to apply science to the solutions of important social problems. It also provides opportunities to practice applying scientific methods to practical, real-life problems.

The AP® Environmental Science course provides students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world. The course helps students identify and analyze natural and human-induced environmental problems. It enables them to learn how to assess the risks associated with these problems and evaluate alternative solutions for resolving and preventing them. To accomplish this goal, the AP Environmental Science Course and Exam Description defines concepts, skills, and understandings required by representative colleges and universities for granting college credit and placement.

AP® Environmental Science

STARPREP®에서 제공하는 AP® Environmental Science 프로그램은 총 2개의 SECTORS
(수준별 수업 : For Basics & Concepts / For Test-Prep)으로 나뉘어지며 각 섹터마다 각각의 진도가 정해집니다.

[학생의 성적/수업 이해도에 따라 다른 FIELDS(과목별)/SECTOR(수준별 반)으로의 전환이 이루어집니다.]

for Graders 9-11
(STARPREP® course code: APENS)

Chair: Dr. Jerome Lee (MIT)
Professors: David Kim (MIT); Herold Lee (Caltech); Jennifer Ahn (Duke); Henry Kim (Princeton); Emily Cutler (Brown)

Registration Board

High School AP® Environmental Science

  • Course Code/Professor(Alma Mater)

    ★ 5월 AP® Environmental Science 시험 대비반 ★

  • Features
  • ★2022 AP® Environmental Science TEST-PREP★

    5월 AP® Environmental Science 시험 대비반

    Students' Satisfaction : above 90%

    Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms
    (In the Classroom And Online Simultaneously)
  • AP® Environmental Science
  • Course Code/Professor(Alma Mater)

    ★ AP® Environmental Science 리뷰 및 전체 정리하기 ★

  • Features
  • ★Review and Application★

    AP® Environmental Science 리뷰 및 전체 정리하기

    Students' Satisfaction : above 90%

    Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms
    (In the Classroom And Online Simultaneously)
  • AP® Environmental Science
Lecture Dates/Registration Status Course Code/Professor(Alma Mater) Features
To Be Arranged

Being currently closed

★ 5월 AP® Environmental Science 시험 대비반 ★


★2022 AP® Environmental Science TEST-PREP★

5월 AP® Environmental Science 시험 대비반

Students' Satisfaction : above 90%

Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms
(In the Classroom And Online Simultaneously)
AP® Environmental Science AP® Environmental Science
To Be Arranged

Being currently closed

★ AP® Environmental Science 리뷰 및 전체 정리하기 ★


★Review and Application★

AP® Environmental Science 리뷰 및 전체 정리하기

Students' Satisfaction : above 90%

Optimizing Concurrent Classrooms
(In the Classroom And Online Simultaneously)
AP® Environmental Science AP® Environmental Science

Curriculum Guide

High School AP® Environmental Science

01 The Living World: Ecosystems

1-1  Introduction to Ecosystems
1-2  Terrestrial Biomes
1-3  Aquatic Biomes
1-4  The Carbon Cycle
1-5  The Nitrogen Cycle
1-6  The Phosphorus Cycle
1-7  The Hydrologic (Water) Cycle
1-8  Primary Productivity
1-9  Trophic Levels
1-10  Energy Flow and the 10% Rule
1-11  Food Chains and Food Webs

02 The Living World: Biodiversity

2-1  Introduction to Biodiversity
2-2  Ecosystem Services
2-3  Island Biogeography
2-4  Ecological Tolerance
2-5  Natural Disruptions to Ecosystems
2-6  Adaptations
2-7  Ecological Succession

03 Populations

3-1  Generalist and Specialist Species
3-2  K-Selected r-Selected Species
3-3  Survivorship Curves
3-4  Carrying Capacity
3-5  Population Growth and Resource Availability
3-6  Age Structure Diagrams
3-7  Total Fertility Rate
3-8  Human Population Dynamics
3-9  Demographic Transition

04 Earth Systems and Resources

4-1  Plate Tectonics
4-2  Soil Formation and Erosion
4-3  Soil Composition and Properties
4-4  Earth’s Atmosphere
4-5  Global Wind Patterns
4-6  Watersheds
4-7  Solar Radiation and Earth’s Seasons
4-8  Earth’s Geography and Climate
4-9  El Niño and La Niña

05 Land and Water Use

5-1  The Tragedy of the Commons
5-2  Clearcutting
5-3  The Green Revolution
5-4  Impacts of Agricultural Practices
5-5  Irrigation Methods
5-6  Pest Control Methods
5-7  Meat Production Methods
5-8  Impacts of Overfishing
5-9  Impacts of Mining
5-10  Impacts of Urbanization
5-11  Ecological Footprints
5-12  Introduction to Sustainability
5-13  Methods to Reduce Urban Runof
5-14  Integrated Pest Management
5-15  Sustainable Agriculture
5-16  Aquaculture
5-17  Sustainable Forestry

06 Energy Resources and Consumption

6-1  Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources
6-2  Global Energy Consumption
6-3  Fuel Types and Uses
6-4  Distribution of Natural Energy Resources
6-5  Fossil Fuels
6-6  Nuclear Power
6-7  Energy from Biomass
6-8  Solar Energy
6-9  Hydroelectric Power
6-10  Geothermal Energy
6-11  Hydrogen Fuel Cell
6-12  Wind Energy
6-13  Energy Conservation

07 Atmospheric Pollution

7-1  Introduction to Air Pollution
7-2  Photochemical Smog
7-3  Thermal Inversion
7-4  Atmospheric CO2 and Particulates
7-5  Indoor Air Pollutants
7-6  Reduction of Air Pollutants
7-7  Acid Rain
7-8  Noise Pollution

08 Aquatic and Terrestrial Pollution

8-1  Sources of Pollution
8-2  Human Impacts on Ecosystems
8-3  Endocrine Disruptors
8-4  Human Impacts on Wetlands and Mangroves
8-5  Eutrophication
8-6  Thermal Pollution
8-7  Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
8-8  Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification
8-9  Solid Waste Disposal
8-10  Waste Reduction Methods
8-11  Sewage Treatment
8-12  Lethal Dose 50% (LD50)
8-13  Dose Response Curve
8-14  Pollution and Human Health
8-15  Pathogens and Infectious Diseases

09 Global Change

9-1  Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
9-2  Reducing Ozone Depletion
9-3  The Greenhouse Effect
9-4  Increases in the Greenhouse Gases
9-5  Global Climate Change
9-6  Ocean Warming
9-7  Ocean Acidification
9-8  Invasive Species
9-9  Endangered Species
9-10  Human Impacts on Biodiversity

01 The Living World: Ecosystems

1-1  Introduction to Ecosystems
1-2  Terrestrial Biomes
1-3  Aquatic Biomes
1-4  The Carbon Cycle
1-5  The Nitrogen Cycle
1-6  The Phosphorus Cycle
1-7  The Hydrologic (Water) Cycle
1-8  Primary Productivity
1-9  Trophic Levels
1-10  Energy Flow and the 10% Rule
1-11  Food Chains and Food Webs

02 The Living World: Biodiversity

2-1  Introduction to Biodiversity
2-2  Ecosystem Services
2-3  Island Biogeography
2-4  Ecological Tolerance
2-5  Natural Disruptions to Ecosystems
2-6  Adaptations
2-7  Ecological Succession

03 Populations

3-1  Generalist and Specialist Species
3-2  K-Selected r-Selected Species
3-3  Survivorship Curves
3-4  Carrying Capacity
3-5  Population Growth and Resource Availability
3-6  Age Structure Diagrams
3-7  Total Fertility Rate
3-8  Human Population Dynamics
3-9  Demographic Transition

04 Earth Systems and Resources

4-1  Plate Tectonics
4-2  Soil Formation and Erosion
4-3  Soil Composition and Properties
4-4  Earth’s Atmosphere
4-5  Global Wind Patterns
4-6  Watersheds
4-7  Solar Radiation and Earth’s Seasons
4-8  Earth’s Geography and Climate
4-9  El Niño and La Niña

05 Land and Water Use

5-1  The Tragedy of the Commons
5-2  Clearcutting
5-3  The Green Revolution
5-4  Impacts of Agricultural Practices
5-5  Irrigation Methods
5-6  Pest Control Methods
5-7  Meat Production Methods
5-8  Impacts of Overfishing
5-9  Impacts of Mining
5-10  Impacts of Urbanization
5-11  Ecological Footprints
5-12  Introduction to Sustainability
5-13  Methods to Reduce Urban Runof
5-14  Integrated Pest Management
5-15  Sustainable Agriculture
5-16  Aquaculture
5-17  Sustainable Forestry

06 Energy Resources and Consumption

6-1  Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources
6-2  Global Energy Consumption
6-3  Fuel Types and Uses
6-4  Distribution of Natural Energy Resources
6-5  Fossil Fuels
6-6  Nuclear Power
6-7  Energy from Biomass
6-8  Solar Energy
6-9  Hydroelectric Power
6-10  Geothermal Energy
6-11  Hydrogen Fuel Cell
6-12  Wind Energy
6-13  Energy Conservation

07 Atmospheric Pollution

7-1  Introduction to Air Pollution
7-2  Photochemical Smog
7-3  Thermal Inversion
7-4  Atmospheric CO2 and Particulates
7-5  Indoor Air Pollutants
7-6  Reduction of Air Pollutants
7-7  Acid Rain
7-8  Noise Pollution

08 Aquatic and Terrestrial Pollution

8-1  Sources of Pollution
8-2  Human Impacts on Ecosystems
8-3  Endocrine Disruptors
8-4  Human Impacts on Wetlands and Mangroves
8-5  Eutrophication
8-6  Thermal Pollution
8-7  Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
8-8  Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification
8-9  Solid Waste Disposal
8-10  Waste Reduction Methods
8-11  Sewage Treatment
8-12  Lethal Dose 50% (LD50)
8-13  Dose Response Curve
8-14  Pollution and Human Health
8-15  Pathogens and Infectious Diseases

09 Global Change

9-1  Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
9-2  Reducing Ozone Depletion
9-3  The Greenhouse Effect
9-4  Increases in the Greenhouse Gases
9-5  Global Climate Change
9-6  Ocean Warming
9-7  Ocean Acidification
9-8  Invasive Species
9-9  Endangered Species
9-10  Human Impacts on Biodiversity

List of Past Real Tests Previously Administered

Preparation for The 2022 MAY AP® Environmental Science TEST

How to Register

Click the box below and please submit the google response form

Reference Lectures

AP® Environmental Science

AP® Environmental Science Faculty Lecture Understanding Ecosystems & Biodiversity
AP® Environmental Science Review: Last-Minute Understanding Earth Systems & Soil
Studying All Forms of Atmospheric Pollution All Forms of Aquatic & Terrestrial Pollution