2. SAT® and AP®
  3. AP®


AP® 시험(Advanced Placement, 대학교 일반 필수과목 학점 인정시험)이란?

AP 시험은 대학에 입학한 후 첫 학년을 성공적으로 보내느냐를 측정할 수 있는 시험으로, 우수대학일수록 수강신청한 AP 과목 개수와 점수를 중요시 한다. 한국의 유학반에서 운영하는 AP수업은 일반적으로 고1(10학년)부터 많게는 3-4과목을 수강하게 되지만, 미국 고등학교인 경우 학교마다 차이가 있겠지만 유학반을 운영하는 한국고등학교보다는 더 적은 수의 과목을 제공한다. 이런점이 불리하게 작용할 수 있다. 아주 좋은 미국명문고등학교에서는 다양한 과목들을 제공하지만 일반적인 미국고등학교에서 제공하는 과목수는 한계가 있다.

미국대학들은 칼리지보드에서 매년 5월에 실시하는 AP점수를 특히 중요하게 여긴다. 그 이유는 그 점수가 대학에 들어가서 학점으로 인정을 받기 때문이다. 고등학교에서 수강한 AP 기록은 그리 큰 의미를 갖지 않는다. 여기서 중요한 점은, 학생이 다니는 고등학교에서 희망하는 AP수업을 제공하지 않는 경우는, 학생 스스로 공부를 해서, 5월에 AP 시험을 치르는 것도 한 방법이 될 수 있다.

AP 시험을 처음 접하는 학생에게 맞는 과목은 AP Environmental Sciences, AP Caculus BC, AP Economics, AP Art History, AP Psychology일 것이다.

*AP Calculus(미적분)인 경우 미국대학에 들어가서 수강해야 하는 필수과목이다. 문과성향이 강한 학생이라도 경제학혹은 사회학등을 수강할때 편미분등의 기본 지식을 필요로 하기 때문이다. Algebra 2까지의 실력을 갖춘 상태라면 또는 SAT Subject Mathematics Level 2에서 700점 이상(모의고사라도)이라면, 미적분 수업을 들을 수 있다. 일반적으로 중3(혹은 9학년)때 공부를 시작하고, 고1때 수업에 참가하는 것이 좋다. 그러면 고1 봄학기 5월에 실제 칼리지보드에서 실시하는 시험에 응시하게 된다. 팁으로, 5점 만점을 받을려면 90점 이상을 받아야한다고 상식적으로 생각되지만, 현재 60-65%정도만 맞아도 5점 만점을 주기때문에 일각에서는 too generous 하다고 하면서 AP성적에 대한 엄정한 평가를 요구하고 있다.

* AP Economics인 경우, AP Calculus 수업을 듣는중 혹은 듣고나서 수업에 참가하는 것이 좋다. 미적분수업과 함께 수강해도 좋으나, 수학에 흥미가 없는 학생이라면 미적분 수강후에 들어도 좋다. 보통 1학년때 수업에 참가하며, 2학년때 수업에 참가하거나 시험에 응시하면 좋다.

*AP Environmental Sciences 는 실제 생활에서 많이 접하는 온난화등의 지구환경 문제에 대한 내용으로 수업의 이해도가 노력에 비해 훨씬 높은 수업이다. 고1때 수업에 참가하거나 고등학교에서 제공하지 않는다면 독학으로 아니면 온라인 수업을 통해 혹은 방학때 환경과학과목을 제공하는 학원에서 수업을 듣고 5월에 시험에 응시하면 좋다.

*AP Art History는 사회생활에 필요한 미술교양수업으로 생각하면 된다. 다른 과목에 비해서 그리 어렵지 않는 수업이다. 다양한 그림의 화가와 제목을 익혀야 하며, 미술시대와 사조등을 습득하게 되어, 실생활에 필요한 교양인으로써의 소양을 가꾸게 해준다. 고1 혹은 고2 봄학기 5월에 시험에 응시하는 것이 좋다.

*AP Psychology는 심리학으로써 보통 사회분야에서 다루는 심리학이라고 생각할 수 있지만, 생물학에 약간 치우친 심리학으로 생각하면 좋다. 생물학에 자신이 있으면 더욱 유리한 시험이다. 정신관련 질환 그리고 화학치료 및 심리 치료부분은 학생들이 AP과목중 제일 재미있어 하는 내용이고 가장 기억을 많이 하는 부분이다. 1학년생들이 들어도 부담이 없을 정도이다. 하지만 기본적인 인지생물학정도는 습득해야한다.

AP helps high school students achieve their college dreams

Strong points

01 Stand out in college admission
: 입학사정시 돋보일 수 있다.
02 Earn college credits
: 대학 학점을 미리 취득할 수 있다.
03 Skip introductory classes
: 기초수업을 패쓰할 수 있다.
04 Build college skills
: 대학수준의 능력을 소양할 수 있다.
Score Distributions


AP Capstone

AP Research
  • -
  • Design, plan, and conduct a year-long, research-based investigation to address a research question of interest to you.
  • -
  • Learn and apply research methods and practices to address a real-world topic of your choosing.
AP Seminar
  • -
  • Investigate real-world topics from multiple perspectives, which often are different or competing.
  • -
  • Learn to collect and analyze information with accuracy and precision, develop arguments based on facts and effectively communicte them.


AP Art History
  • -
  • View significant works of art through readings, research, digital images, videos and museum visits.
  • -
  • Learn to evaluate a work of art through critical analysis instead of rushing to opinion or judgment.
AP Music Theory
  • -
  • Practice and develop musical skills that will help you build your understanding of music composition and music theory.
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  • Develop your music vocabulary through class discussion and written analysis of listening selections.
AP Studio Art: 2-D Design
  • -
  • Be an informed and critical decision-maker as you develop a portfolio that is personal to your individual talents and interests, while demonstrating mastery of 2-D design principles.
  • -
  • Explore your creativity and become an independent thinker in your contributions to art and culture.
AP Studio Art: 3-D Design
  • -
  • Be an informed and critical decision-maker as you develop a portfolio that is personal to your individual talents and interests while demonstrating mastery of 3-D design principles.
  • -
  • Explore your creativity and become an independent thinker in your contributions to art and culture.
AP Studio Art: Drawing
  • -
  • Be an informed and critical decision-maker as you develop a portfolio that is personal to your individual talents and interests, while demonstrating mastery of drawing principles.
  • -
  • Explore your creativity and become an independent thinker in your contributions to art and culture.


AP English Language and Composition
  • -
  • Strengthen the effectiveness of your writing through close reading and frequent practice at applying rhetorical strategies, analyzing information from source texts, and writing arguments.
  • -
  • Become a critical reader of predominantly nonfiction works, including expository, argumentative, analytical, and personal texts from various authors and time periods.
AP English Literature and Composition
  • -
  • Explore literary works from several different genres and periods
  • -
  • Learn to read critically as you (Experience great literacy works, Interpret those texts, and Evaluate their quality and artistic achievement).

History & Social Sciences

AP Comparative Government and Politics
  • -
  • Explore governments, politics, and societies from countries around the world including Great Britain, China, Russia, Nigeria, Mexico, and Iran.
  • -
  • Develop a framework to compare modern political systems and understand their interaction in a global environment.
AP European History
  • -
  • Learn to analyze historical evidence and write analytical and interpretive essays as you explore the major themes of European history.
  • -
  • Research the past by exploring vibrant and engaging pieces of historical evidence, such as paintings, photographs, letters, and cartoons.
  • -
  • Deepen your understanding of readings and concepts through regular class discussion.
AP Human Geography
  • -
  • Study the distribution, processes, and effects of the human population on our planet.
  • -
  • Learn how to use and interpret maps, data sets, geographic models, GIS, aerial photographs, and satellite images.
AP Macroeconomics
  • -
  • Explore concepts such as measures of economic performance, macroeconomic theory and policies, and international economics.
  • -
  • Learn to use graphs, charts, and data to analyze, describe, and explain economic concepts.
AP Microeconomics
  • -
  • Become familiar with the cost-benefit analysis that is the “economic way of thinking.”
  • -
  • Understand smaller segments of the economy, including consumers and producers, their interaction in output and resource markets, and the impact of government.
  • -
  • Learn to use graphs, charts, and data to analyze, describe, and explain economic concepts.
AP Psychology
  • -
  • Explore how psychologists use research methods and critical analysis to explore human behavior.
  • -
  • Discuss how biological, cognitive, and cultural factors converge to facilitate acquisition, development, and use of language.
AP United States Government and Politics
  • -
  • Study how the conflicting interests and powers of the president and Congress help explain repeated struggles to adopt a national budget.
  • -
  • Evaluate the impact of the media on voter perceptions, campaign strategies, electoral outcomes and policy agenda development.
AP United States History
  • -
  • Explore events of U.S. history through the use and analysis of documents, images, cartoons, quantitative data, and other primary sources.
  • -
  • Develop an understanding of major themes in U.S. history, including American identity, economic and social life, political change and continuity, and the U.S. role in the world.
AP World History
  • -
  • Focus on the development of historical thinking skills, not just the collection and memorization of information and events
  • -
  • Learn how to analyze a point of view and to interpret historical evidence you can use to build and support an argument.

Math & Computer Sciences

AP Calculus AB
  • -
  • Learn problem solving methods that you can apply across real-world problems involving theorems, definitions, and functions represented in different ways.
  • -
  • Use technology to explore, experiment, interpret results, and support your conclusions.
AP Calculus BC
  • -
  • Learn problem solving methods that you can apply across real-world problems involving theorems, definitions, and functions represented in different ways.
  • -
  • Use technology to explore, experiment, interpret results, and support conclusions.
  • -
  • Study topics not offered in Calculus AB or other classes including parametric, polar, and vector functions, and series.
AP Computer Sciences A
  • -
  • Learn to design and implement computer programs that solve problems relevant to today's society, including art, media, and engineering.
  • -
  • Learn to apply programming tools and solve complex problems through hands-on experiences and examples.
AP Statistics
  • -
  • Explore concepts such as methodology and inferences through small group discussion and activities.
  • -
  • Design surveys and experiments, gather and analyze data numerically and graphically, and apply inferential statistics to draw conclusions for a population.


AP Biology
  • -
  • Learn to think like a scientist, and become an independent investigator through student-directed laboratory investigations: (Pose the questions and determine the variables you want to investigate; Design your own experiments and procedures; and Determine how best to present your conclusions).
AP Chemistry
  • -
  • Work in groups to think analytically about problems, identify experimental questions, and design experiments to answer those questions.
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  • Engage in hands-on laboratory investigation to learn chemical concepts through direct experience and observations.
AP Environmental Science
  • -
  • Learn about the natural world through hands-on, laboratory investigations and observations.
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  • Use field work to study both human-made and natural environmental problems in your local ecosystem.
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
  • -
  • Develop a deep understanding of foundational principles of physics in electricity and magnetism by applying these principles to complex physical situations that combine multiple aspects of physics rather than present concepts in isolation.
  • -
  • Design and conduct inquiry-based laboratory investigations to solve problems through first-hand observations, data collection, analysis and interpretation.
  • -
  • Develop critical thinking skills through applying methods of differential and integral calculus to formulate physical principles and solve complex physical problems.
AP Physics C: Mechanics
  • -
  • Develop a deep understanding of foundational principles of physics in classical mechanics by applying these principles to complex physical situations that combine multiple aspects of physics rather than present concepts in isolation.
  • -
  • Design and conduct inquiry-based laboratory investigations to solve problems through first-hand observations, data collection, analysis and interpretation.
  • -
  • Develop critical thinking skills through applying methods of differential and integral calculus to formulate physical principles and solve complex physical problems.
AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based
  • -
  • Develop a deep understanding of foundational principles of physics in classical mechanics and modern physics by applying these principles to complex physical situations that combine multiple aspects of physics rather than present concepts in isolation.
  • -
  • Discuss, confer, and debate with classmates to explain a physical phenomenon investigated in class.
  • -
  • Design and conduct inquiry-based laboratory investigations to solve problems through first-hand observations, data collection, analysis and interpretation.
AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based
  • -
  • Develop a deep understanding of foundational principles of physics in classical mechanics and modern physics by applying these principles to complex physical situations that combine multiple aspects of physics rather than present concepts in isolation.
  • -
  • Discuss, confer, and debate with classmates to explain a physical phenomenon investigated in class.
  • -
  • Design and conduct inquiry-based laboratory investigations to solve problems through first-hand observations, data collection, analysis and interpretation.

World Language & Cultures

AP Chinese Language and Culture
  • -
  • Learn about contemporary Chinese society and culture, by examining Chinese products, practices and perspectives; including ethnic and regional diversity, values, travel and transportation, holidays and food, and current affairs.
  • -
  • Explore significant events, people, and themes of Chinese history.
  • -
  • Learn to communicate more effectively in real life situations using authentic materials such as newspaper and magazine articles, websites, films, music, and Chinese literature.
AP French Language and Culture
  • -
  • Learn about contemporary Francophone societies and cultures by examining their products, practices and perspectives through thematic study.
  • -
  • Use authentic sources such as newspaper and magazine articles, websites, films, music, video clips, blogs, podcasts, stories, and literary excerpts in French to develop language skills and communicative proficiency in real life settings.
  • -
  • Build communication skills through regular class discussion, one-on-one conversation, collaboration with classmates, role plays, email responses, essay and journal writing, and oral presentations.
AP German Language and Culture
  • -
  • Use authentic sources such as German websites, podcasts, newspaper and magazine articles, films, literary excerpts, and video and music clips to develop language proficiency in real-life settings.
  • -
  • Build communication skills through letter-writing, interactive journals, class discussion, essay writing, and oral presentations.
AP Italian Language and Culture
  • -
  • Learn about contemporary Italian culture by examining its products, practices and perspectives through thematic study.
  • -
  • Use authentic sources such as Italian films, music, websites, podcasts, blogs, newspapers, magazines, stories, and literature to develop language skills and communicative proficiency in real-life settings.
  • -
  • Develop your communication skills through class discussions, presentations, role plays, debates, and collaboration with classmates.
AP Japanese Language and Culture
  • -
  • Learn about contemporary Japanese society and culture by examining Japanese products, practices and perspectives, including regional diversity, values, travel and transportation, holidays and food, and current affairs.
  • -
  • Use authentic materials, including podcasts, videos, news articles, stories, announcements, and letters to build communication skills.
AP Latin
  • -
  • Relate the various themes in Latin literature to our modern day world and identify parallels and contrasts.
  • -
  • Analyze Latin passages to understand an author's use of language and its intended effects.
AP Spanish Language and Culture
  • -
  • Build your proficiency with authentic materials, including films, news broadcasts, newspaper or magazine articles, and contemporary literature.
  • -
  • Integrate the communicative competencies you've developed in previous courses to become a more effective communicator.
  • -
  • Learn to express yourself in different ways and tailor your arguments to various audiences.
AP Spanish Literature and Culture
  • -
  • Explore Spanish, Latin-American, and U.S. Latino authors and their works from the medieval period to present day. Make thematic connections between texts of various genres and historical periods. Make interdisciplinary connections to the literature of the Spanish-speaking world through art, music, film, history and other academic disciplines.
  • -
  • Build your Spanish language proficiency through critical reading and analytical writing.

Administration 1: AP Standard

May 2-13, 2022 Exam Date

Test Dates
Week 1: Paper, In School Monday, May 2, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : Japanese Language and Culture
8 a.m. Local Time : United States Government and Politics
12 p.m. Local Time : Chemistry
12 p.m. Local Time : Spanish Literature and Culture

Tuesday, May 3, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : Environmental Science
12 p.m. Local Time : Psychology

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : English Literature and Composition
12 p.m. Local Time : Comparative Government and Politics
12 p.m. Local Time : Computer Science A

Thursday, May 5, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : Human Geography
8 a.m. Local Time : Macroeconomics
12 p.m. Local Time: Seminar
12 p.m. Local Time: Statistics

Friday, May 6, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : Microeconomics
Week 2: Paper, In School Monday, May 9, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : Calculus AB
8 a.m. Local Time : Calculus BC
12 p.m. Local Time : Italian Language and Culture

Tuesday, May 10, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : English Language and Composition
12 p.m. Local Time : Physics C: Mechanics
14 p.m. Local Time : Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

Wednesday, May 11, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : Chinese Language and Culture
8 a.m. Local Time : Spanish Language and Culture
12 p.m. Local Time : Biology

Thursday, May 12, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : French Language and Culture
8 a.m. Local Time : World History: Modern
12 p.m. Local Time : Physics 1: Algebra-Based

Friday, May 13, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : German Language and Culture
8 a.m. Local Time : Music Theory
12 p.m. Local Time : Latin
12 p.m. Local Time : Physics 2: Algebra-Based

Administration 2: AP Late

May 17-20 Exam Date

Test Dates
Week 1: Paper, In School Tuesday, May 17, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : Environmental Science
12 p.m. Local Time : Psychology

Wednesday, May 18, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : Chemistry
8 a.m. Local Time : Computer Science A
8 a.m. Local Time : Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
8 a.m. Local Time : Statistics
8 a.m. Local Time : United States History
12 p.m. Local Time : Comparative Government and Politics
12 p.m. Local Time : English Literature and Composition
12 p.m. Local Time : Macroeconomics
Week 1: Paper, In School Thursday, May 19, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : English Language and Composition
8 a.m. Local Time : Human Geography
8 a.m. Local Time : Physics 1: Algebra-Based
12 p.m. Local Time: Art History
12 p.m. Local Time: Biology
12 p.m. Local Time: Physics C: Mechanics

Friday, May 20, 2022
8 a.m. Local Time : Calculus AB
8 a.m. Local Time : Calculus BC
8 a.m. Local Time : Microeconomics
8 a.m. Local Time : Physics 2: Algebra-Based
12 p.m. Local Time: European History
12 p.m. Local Time: Music Theory
12 p.m. Local Time: United States Government and Politics
12 p.m. Local Time: World History: Modern


미국내 혹은 미국영토내 기본 AP 시험응시료 (The fee for each AP Exam is $94) 과목당 $95

+ 미국외 국외지역 : 과목당 $125
+ AP Capstone; The fee for AP Research or AP Seminar is $143 in USA, US territories and commonwealths, and Canada.

Registration fees AP Guide Book

시험지 : Online Test Practice



History & Social Sciences

Math & Computer Science


World Languages & Cultures